Fast Choreography of Cross-DevOps Reconfiguration with Ballet, Multi-Site OpenStack Case Study, March 13th, 2024. International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), Rovaniemi (Finland). [slides]
Multi-Paradigm Distribution for Model Management Operations, December 15th, 2022. Lowcomote Industrial Workshop, Online. [slides]
Executing Certified Model Transformation on Apache Spark, October 17th, 2021. International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), Online. [slides]
Towards Transparent Combination of Model Management Execution Strategies for Low-Code Development Platforms, October 19th, 2020. Workshop on Lowcode, at the International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Online. [slides]
Automatic Optimization of Python Skeletal Parallel Program, December 19th, 2019. International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), Deaking University - Melbourne (Australie).
New List Skeletons for the Python Skeleton Library, December 6th, 2019. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT). Gold Coast (Australie).
Towards Automatically Optimizing PySke Programs, July 18th, 2019. Poster Session at International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS). Dublin (Ireland). [poster]
PySke: Algorithmic Skeletons for Python, July 16th, 2019. International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS). Dublin (Ireland).
Coq2Java: From MiniML to Java code, Formalization of a compiler, July 17th, 2018. International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS). Orléans (France). [poster]
Verified Skeletons on Trees, July 13th, 2018. International Conference on High-Level Parallel Programming (HLPP). Orléans (France). [poster]
Formalization of a Big Graph API in Coq, July 20th, 2017. Poster Session at International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS). Genoa (Italy). [poster]
SyLA - Systèmes Logiciels Adaptables, March 3th. Défi GDR-GPL 2025 - 2030, Université Sorbonne (LIP6), Paris (France). [slides]
Correction in distributed systems, from usage to reconfiguration - Progress and insights from my research journey, January 24th, 2025. STR team seminar, Ecole Centrale, Nantes (France). [slides]
Towards Management of Unsatisfiable Reconfiguration in Ballet, October 7th, 2024. Taranis project plenary, Centre Inria, Paris (France). [slides]
Fast Choreography of Cross-DevOps Reconfiguration with Ballet - Multi-Site OpenStack case study, June 5th, 2024. Journées GDR-GPL - Université de Strasbourg (France). [slides]
Fast Choreography of Cross-DevOps Reconfiguration with Ballet, April 8th, 2024. SeMaFoR project plenary, Université Sorbonne (LIP6), Paris (France). [slides]
Fast Choreography of Cross-DevOps Reconfiguration with Ballet, Multi-Site OpenStack Case Study, December 13th, 2023. Groupe de travail, VELVET days, Nantes (France). [slides]
Fast Choreography of Cross-DevOps Reconfiguration with Ballet, Multi-Site OpenStack Case Study, November 9th, 2023. STACK team seminar, Guérande (France). [slides]
SeMaFoR Project and Planning for Decentralized Reconfiguration, October 26th, 2023. TASC team seminar, IMT Atlantique - Nantes (France). [slides]
SeMaFoR Project and Concerto-D for decentralized reconfiguration of Fog systems, July 3th, 2023. Naomod team seminar, IMT Atlantique - Nantes (France). [slides]
SeMaFoR Project and Decentralized reconfiguration plan synthesis, June 6th, 2023. DAPI department seminar, Nantes (France). [slides]
Decentralized reconfiguration plan synthesis, April 20th, 2023. SeMaFoR project plenary, IMT Atlantique - Nantes (France). [slides]
Contribution to the Analysis of the Design-Space of a Distributed Transformation Engine, January 23rd, 2023. LMV team seminar, Université d'Oréans - Orléans (France) [slides]
Programming Models and Distributed systems, November 28th, 2019. STACK team seminar. Université de Nantes - Nantes (France).
PySke: Algorithmic Skeletons for Python, October 18th, 2019. Groupe de Recherche (GDR) GPL - Lahma, LACL - Créteil (France). [slides]
PySke: Algorithmic Skeletons for Python, September 11th, 2019. Naomod team seminar. IMT Atlantique - Nantes (France). [slides]
Algorithmic Skeletons for Distributed Computing, November 16th, 2018. SICCS Graduate Seminar. Northern Arizona University - Flagstaff (USA).
Formalization of a Big Graph API in Coq, September 13th, 2017. Poster Session at Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) event. Northern Arizona University - Flagstaff (USA). [poster]
Contribution to the Analysis of the Design-Space of a Distributed Transformation Engine, December 19th, 2022. Thesis defense, IMT Atlantique - Nantes (France) [slides]
Systematic development of Efficient programs on Parallel data structures, May 3rd, 2019. Master thesis defense, Northern Arizona University - Flagstaff, AZ (USA)